Jayemmcee.com, creative shoebox
Select Datewish i could speak Danish
then i'd know what it was really all about....
Jeg ankom til Kinabalu National Park den 22/6 kl 10:00. Fandt hurtigt nogle af teame op med, saa vi kunne dele udgifterne til en guide.
En super cool gut ved navn Johnny og hans kaerste, han var fra England og var fotograf.
Han havde ogsaa traenet forskellige former for kampsport, saa snakken gik der ud af.
Men hans kaerste blev dog hurtigt sat paa den stejle rute, og gik med guiden.
this from my viking hiking buddy Anders' blog.
i wonder if dog really means 'dog' in Danish?
anyways, we climbed the mountain together, with melissa in tow somewhere a few miles behind.
teh muntin top
Johnny McKadazan-Dusun
honorary member it seems
so i can speak bahasa melayu.
it goes down a treat with the locals.
and while i'm in sabah, why not become a member of a local tribe?
free membership and i get four complimentary wives as well as a discount card for the local video shop.
saya sekarang orang kadazan-dusun baru
me n' two of me new wives
online portolio new link
not that it really matters
alright there.
so our kidda just did some magic and made me a quick link to me online folio.
rather than clicking on the cheesy 'see more photos' star in the gallery - from now on you just have to type in this address in your interweb thingy at the top there:
have a try.
or don't, it's entirely up to you.
i cin cai lah