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26 June 2007

wish i could speak Danish

then i'd know what it was really all about....

Jeg ankom til Kinabalu National Park den 22/6 kl 10:00. Fandt hurtigt nogle af teame op med, saa vi kunne dele udgifterne til en guide.

En super cool gut ved navn Johnny og hans kaerste, han var fra England og var fotograf.

Han havde ogsaa traenet forskellige former for kampsport, saa snakken gik der ud af.

Men hans kaerste blev dog hurtigt sat paa den stejle rute, og gik med guiden.

this from my viking hiking buddy Anders' blog.
i wonder if dog really means 'dog' in Danish?

anyways, we climbed the mountain together, with melissa in tow somewhere a few miles behind.

teh muntin top

teh muntin top

Comments Reply to this post

lars von trier said...i can translate for you...it says, once upon a time, long ago in a faraway land where monkeys run about without wearing a fez and lizards live in symbiosis with people in their own houses, there was a boy named johnny who fell up a massive hill.

or something along those lines at least Posted 26 June 2007 20:17

brigitte nielsen said...no it doesn't, it says you're a human being of incredible resilience with the entire power of greyskull in you left big toe Posted 26 June 2007 20:14

prince hamlet said...it says you're a dick and you didn't even climb the mountain cos you had cotton wool lungs Posted 26 June 2007 20:12


16 June 2007

Johnny McKadazan-Dusun

honorary member it seems

so i can speak bahasa melayu.

it goes down a treat with the locals.

and while i'm in sabah, why not become a member of a local tribe?

free membership and i get four complimentary wives as well as a discount card for the local video shop.

saya sekarang orang kadazan-dusun baru


me n' two of me new wives

me n' two of me new wives

Comments Reply to this post

johnny said...thanks lorraine, great to hear from you.

i'm not too sad to miss dinner in parliament - it's actually one of my old haunts don't you know.

something of a regular.

take care, enjoy xmas dins! Posted 26 June 2007 20:08

johnny said...sorry mam,

when i get married to the next two, then i'll have a party - but you have to make the cake Posted 26 June 2007 20:06

Lorraine Stylianou said...'ya oul slut! Hope all's well in the colonies. I've just booked our Xmas Party today - nothing like planning ahead - I'm sure you will be sad you aren't here for that event (in the Houses of Parliament, no less). Keep well, Lorraine Posted 22 June 2007 17:11

mam said...Jonathan how come you have got two new wives, and I havent even bought a wedding hat yet? Posted 17 June 2007 12:25


11 June 2007

online portolio new link

not that it really matters

alright there.

so our kidda just did some magic and made me a quick link to me online folio.

rather than clicking on the cheesy 'see more photos' star in the gallery - from now on you just have to type in this address in your interweb thingy at the top there:


have a try.

or don't, it's entirely up to you.

i cin cai lah

Comments Reply to this post

mam said...done it, dead gud Jonathan Posted 17 June 2007 12:33


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